Friday, August 25, 2017

Inktober 2016 4: Hill, Williams & Welby

The great poet and critic Geoffrey Hill died during the summer of 2016. I've read his poetry with a mixture of awe, admiration and mystification since I was a teenager. A boy who was cleverer than me told me that Hill was 'very fine', so I bought a copy of his select poems. I still find odd phrases from his work have a way of popping up my brain from time to time. And, then, of course I drew pictures of him on a dinosaur. Now that he is amongst the immortals, I decided to upgrade his triceratops to a T. Rex. the king (queen?) of monsters.

Then my sister asked me why I had drawn a picture of Rowan Williams riding a dinosaur, so I had to make a drawing of Rowan Williams riding a dinosaur:
And, having drawn a Former Archbishop of Canterbury On A Dinosaur, it only felt right to draw the Current Archbishop of Canterbury On A Dinosaur:

This is more than enough.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Inktober 2016 3 - American Literature Since 1900

Last year I was teaching a course on modern American Literature during Inktober. So I made a series of drawings based on the writers my students were studying.
Zora Neale Hurston          Wallace Stevens
Tennessee Williams              Allen Ginsberg
Elizabeth Bishop              Don Delillo

Toni Morrison                Lionel Shriver

William Gibson
( If you want to see some of the posters that my students made as part of their presentations on this course, you can look through the images on the instagram feed where I record aspects of my teaching.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Inktober 2016 2 - More animals

This second batch of images from last year's inktober is a direct consequence of asking my daughter for ideas for drawings. If you ask me for a flying rabbit, this is what you get:
 And this is a dog on the moon:
 I just can't remember what this was. Better not to ask...