Wednesday, June 20, 2007

DLC - 4. Jon Cruddas

Jon Cruddas is M.P. for Dagenham. This illustration was included in the Fabian Society publication, but I was pleased with it as a drawing.

DLC - 3. Hazel Blears

Hazel Blears is currently Chair of the Labour Party and Minister without Portfolio. She also proved one of the most difficult subjects to caricature. I'm still not pleased with this ... damn it.

DLC - 2. Hilary Benn

Hilary Benn is currently Secretary of State for International Development. He is also the son of Tony Benn, socialist and Labour Party maverick.

Deputy Leadership Contest - Harriet Harman

I was recently commissioned to produce some illustrations for a pamphlet published by the Fabian Society. It contains essays by each of the prospective candidates for the Deputy Leadership of the Labour Party. I'm posting some of the drafts rejected for the pamphlet - they are much closer to caricature than the illustrations in the publication. There is, then, not a full set of all six candidates - any omissions are not meant to indicate any political view.

Harriet Harman is currently Minister of State in the new Ministry of Justice.