Sunday, March 18, 2012

More animals - the little notebook

After a long hiatus, another set of animal pictures. At some point last year I asked my son for commissions and this is the list that we drew up (once I'd completed the first requests, we added more).

Then I tried to draw or complete one a day, using a pocket-sized cahier from Moleskine. Half way  through I discovered that other, more accomplished people were already doing similar things here and here, but ho hum. You may notice that there are still things on the list that I didn't fit into this notebook, and a recent request was made for 'more hyenas', so this may keep going. The complete notebook can be viewed as a flickr slideshow here and I've posted some individual images above, with comments added.

This should link to a flickr stream of the entire notebook. (Sorry, I haven't got the hang of this.) 

Regarding process: a couple of months into this, I came across Pinterest as a useful way of capturing and storing the reference images and created this stream:

This obviously has copyright implications: I think what I've done falls under 'fair use' and whatever theory of copyright underlies Pinterest. But if you own copyright to an image I've pinned and would rather that I removed it, just let me know via and I'll take it down.