A short post this week, as I’ve been on holiday. As I grow older my attention span seems to diminish along with my patience for lengthy administrative meetings. One consequence is a tendency to doodle. This week’s images were put together over the past year ago during various meetings.* I used my iPad and an app called ‘Procreate’. It’s still, as far as I can tell, the fastest and most flexible drawing app that I’ve tried.** I’m afraid the images are not very achieved - I’m still experimenting with the technology. And I have yet to find a way of taking advantage of the digital features (brushes, layers, textures etc.) that come with the app, rather than trying to reproduce what I would do with a pen or pencil.
*These images also seem to provide evidence that some of my colleagues get as bored as I do.
**Even if I can't conceive of a worse name for an app ... apart from maybe 'Sexstick'.